Narrated Abu Huraira: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“O son of Adam! Spend, and I shall spend on you.”

[Saheeh Al-Bukhari (5352)]

What We Have Accomplished So Far


CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF BEING PREPARED – To be uploaded by 28th February 2025 In Sha Allah

Food baskets disbursed ( at 8th February 2025)


View our 2023 Audited Financial  Report (2024 in the process of being prepared)

Family units benefitted

Masajid participate


A total of 656 Food Baskets were issued in 2023. This represents a 30% decrease increase from the previous year.

This does not include food items donated to random persons who reached out to, and were assisted by, the JFIC over the same period.

To date, we have been able to provide support to over 200 family units, issuing 6,912 food baskets since inception, targeting the needy

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our supporters, donors, partners, volunteers and those of you who support us through your words, actions and donations.


10ᵗʰ February 2023


 A total of 864 Food Baskets were issued in 2022. This represents a 6% increase from the previous year.

This does not include food items donated to random persons who reached out to, and were assisted by, the JFIC over the same period.

To date, we have been able to provide support to over 200 family units, issuing 6,256 food baskets since inception, targeting the needy

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our supporters, donors, partners, volunteers and those of you who support us through your words, actions and donations.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, ‘One who does not show thankfulness to people, will not be thankful to God.’

We could not have achieved this immense output without the support of Allah through yourselves. We pray that Allah, may He be glorified, weighs all the work of JFIC heavily on your scale of good deeds. Ameen. We humbly ask that you make dua for the donors who have contributed to JFIC past and present, hidden and obvious. May Allah rectify our affairs and forgive us our shortcomings.


10ᵗʰ February 2022

2021 Annual Report

At the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity, we are proud to publish our annual reports so that you know exactly where your generous support has gone during the year.

This impact report summarizes all the projects we initiated and funded this year, as well as our current on-going projects in Jamaica.

Food Basket Program
A total of 807 Food Baskets were issued in 2021. This represents a 6% decrease from the previous year. This does not include food items donated to random persons who reached out to, and were assisted by, the JFIC over the same period. The Food Distribution Report for 2021 can be seen in the table.
In Jamaica, severe curfews and lockdowns posed a challenge to the overall preparation and distribution of food baskets from January to September.

This also negated the holding of any type of fundraisers. With rising food costs, there was an increase in the number of applications to the Food Basket Program.
Due to limited donations due to the worldwide pandemic, a Bi-Annual Review of all applicants on the Program was conducted to ascertain their level of neediness.

As such, harsh decisions were made to keep on the elderly and disabled and remove the able-bodied persons on the program, even though some of them were unemployed.

In addition, a 2014 Toyota Noah was donated in February 2021. This timely donation has assisted in purchasing and transport of food items.

Dates Distribution Program
For the 7th year running, dates were donated for the muslims in Jamaica. Sadly due to strict curfews and lockdown measures in Ramadan, iftars was not held in most Masajid and persons broke their fasts at home. As such, each Masjid provided a breakdown of the family units and pre-packaged dates were sent across the island.

Iftaar Sponsorship Program
For the fifth year, JFIC was able to oversee the Iftaar Sponsorship Program. Food items were purchased and provided to 14 Masajid and monetary donations were made to purchase meat and vegetables.

Qurbani Program
Funds were donated to purchase 4 animals in the rural areas.

By Allah’s permission the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity thrived throughout the second year of the pandemic against all odds, and was able to continue disbursements fortnightly in spite of numerous restrictions. Again, none of the above would have been possible without the blessings of Allah and the steady support of our donors, and the efforts of our directors and volunteers.

Every donation you made this year filled someone’s heart with happiness. Thank you for your continued generosity and care.

We are truly grateful for, and humbled by, the trust placed in us, as together we look forward to another year of serving Jamaica in Sha Allah (God willing).


Covid 19 made 2020 an unforgettable year for JFIC, like everywhere else in the world. It has, and continues to have a severe impact on the Jamaican economy, our donors, volunteers and beneficiaries.  As tourism is the major foreign exchange earner for Jamaica, the worldwide travel restrictions has had a devastating effect on our tourism industry and by extension the communities that rely on this industry for sustenance.

At the JFIC, we observed an increase in the number of applications to the Food Basket Program across Jamaica. Conversely, there was a decrease in donations as our donors were also negatively impacted by the overall reduction in revenue.

To assist with our rapidly depleting funds, Masjid-ar-Rahman, in Spanish Town held a BBQ Fundraiser on November 7th 2020 to assist ethe JFIC. Al hamdulillah, the response across the island was very good leading to a total of $400,344.16 being raised to assist the programme.

A total of 862 food baskets were distributed to 14 Masajid throughout the island in the 2020 financial year. This does not include food items donated to random persons who reached out to, and were assisted by, the JFIC over the same period.  The Food Distribution Report for 2020 can be seen in the table to the right.

For Ramadan 2020, the customary disbursement of Dates were distributed island wide to all Masajid. However, with the restrictions in place regarding social gatherings, no iftar programs were held.

The Sisters Only Arabic Workshop was launched in March 2019 held it’s last class in March 2020 the day before the first reported case of COVID-19. Al hamdulillah, a number of sisters utilized the downtime to continue their studies online and as such, has reach significant milestones in their Arabic studies.

By Allah’s permission the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity thrived throughout the pandemic against all odds, and was able to continue disbursements fortnightly in spite of numerous restrictions. Again, none of the above would have been possible without the blessings of Allah and the steady support of our donors, and the efforts of our directors and volunteers.

We are truly grateful for, and humbled by, the trust placed in us, as together we look forward to another year of serving Jamaica in Sha Allah (God willing).

Food distribution Report 2015

2019 Annual Report

2019 was a very exciting year for the the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity.  New initiatives were launched in continuation with the distribution of food baskets to needy persons across Jamaica.

A total of 793 food baskets were distributed to 14 Masajid throughout the island. In addition, small packages are also prepared and given to needy neighbours in the vicinity where the food baskets are prepared on a fortnightly basis.

The Food Distribution Report for 2019 can be seen in the table to the right.

For the third year, JFIC was able to oversee the Iftaar Sponsorship Program. With an increase in donors, we were able to distribute to thirteen (13) Masajid in the island. Food items were purchased and provided to the various Masajid to prepare meals for the breaking of the fast and monetary donations were made to purchase meat and vegetables.

In addition, the “Dates Distribution Initiative” continued as JFIC was able to distribute dates to the Masajid across the island.

The following new initiatives were also launched throughout the year :

Medical Expense Program – The aim of this initiative it to assist high risk persons with their medical bills. In 2019, we were able to assist one (1) sister for a major surgery. Once funds become available we hope to assist the many needy brothers and sisters.

Sisters Only Arabic Workshop – This initiative was launched in March 2019 and held on a monthly basis. Sisters from all over Jamaica  were invited to a “One-Day Workshop” where they were taught Arabic on a 1:1 basis at their own pace. An assessment was done at Registration to assess their level – Beginners, Intermediate or Advanced. We are happy to advise that arising out of this program, we have Sisters reading the Quran and others have begun memorization.

Degree Program Scholarships – Two (2) scholarships were awarded to sisters to pursue the BSc in Psychology. They are currently in their third semester.

With the rising food cost and standard of living, JFIC anticipates more applicants for the Food Basket Program. An aggressive fundraising campaign is needed in 2020 to purchase a delivery van for the charity. 

The use of personal vehicles to purchase food items and deliver food baskets has taken its toll and a secondary plan is needed urgently. To raise funds for this initiative, JFIC will be seeking donations and will also be selling educational paraphernalia locally and overseas.

By Allah’s permission, we have come a long way in our six (6) years of operations. We thank Allah swt for giving us this opportunity to assist others. May He accept it from us and forgive us our numerous shortcomings.

May He bless our dedicated donors, volunteers and directors. We  are humbled by the trust placed in us for this endeavour and we look forward to another year of serving Jamaica In Sha Allah (God willing).

1,612 bars Blue Soap
1,615 lbs Cornmeal
4,352 lbs Flour
798 pks. Macaroni
1,665 tins Mackerel
1,615 boxes Matches
1,648 sachets Milk Powder
810 tins Oil
823 tins Protex
863 bars Red Beans
4,276 lbs Rice
157 lbs Salt
1,681 lbs Sardines
1,746 tins Sugar
8,190 lbs Teabag
1,108 bags Toilet Paper
156 rolls Toothbrush
546 pcs Toothpaste
1,679 tubes Tuna
Food distribution Report 2018

2018 Annual Report

The Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity (JFIC) continues to reach out to the vulnerable within the community through the provision of our food baskets to the needy. A total of 627 food baskets were distributed to thirteen (13) Masajid. In addition, food items were donated to the neighbours in the vicinity where the food baskets are prepared on a fortnightly basis.

The Food Distribution Report for 2018 can be seen in the table to the right.

For the second year, JFIC was able to oversee the Iftaar Sponsorship Program for eight (8) Masajid. Food items were purchased and provided to the various Masajid to prepare meals for the breaking of the fast and monetary donations were made to purchase meat and vegetables.

In addition to the Food Basket Program, one of the core objectives of the JFIC is “to provide scholarships, grants and stipends” to assist in the development of individuals and thus increase their standard of living.

As such, one of our mentor organizations, the Islamic Online University (IOU) offered online Degree Program Scholarships to citizens residing in Jamaica spanning the following areas :

The scholarship will cover all registration and tuition fees. Textbooks and study materials are all free. You may work and study at the same time.

The scholarships are currently open to Muslims and non-Muslims residing in Jamaica.

 Our plans for 2019 include on-going fundraisers for the purchase of food items with more emphasis on the purchase of a delivery van.

Since 2014, we have issued over 3000 Food Baskets to families in Jamaica. This is over forty (40) tonnes of food transported in personal vehicles at great cost. To raise funds for this initiative, JFIC will be selling educational paraphernalia locally and overseas.

Again, none of the above would have been possible without the steady support of our donors and the efforts of our directors and volunteers. We are truly grateful for, and humbled by, the trust placed in us, as together we look forward to another year of serving Jamaica  In Sha Allah (God willing).

Food distribution Report 2015

2017 Annual Report

The Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity (JFIC) continues to reach out to the vulnerable within the community through the provision of our food baskets to the needy. In 2017, JFIC increased their food distribution by 1%. A total of 733 food baskets were distributed to 13 Masajid. In addition, food items were donated to the neighbours in the vicinity where the food baskets are prepared on a fortnightly basis.

The Food Distribution Report for 2017 can be seen in the table to the right.

To offset the decrease in donations, a BBQ Fundraiser was held on 21st May 2017 at Central Masjid where a total of $246,200 was raised via the selling soup, meals, pastries, drinks, rental of booths and donations.

JFIC also oversaw the Iftaar Sponsorship Program for three (3) Masajid. Monetary donations were made and food items were purchased and provided to the Masajid to prepare meals for the breaking of the fast.

One of the greatest challenges we faced in 2017 was the collection of food baskets from Central Masjid to the beneficiaries located islandwide. Sometimes there are uncollected boxes due to lack of transportation and financial difficulties faced by most of our Masajid.

This, in turn, lead to some of our beneficiaries having to remain for a while without their food disbursements. As such, an online “Delivery Van Campaign” was done via LaunchGood in September 2017 for one month. Even though we did not reach our target ($667 out of $11,000), we have made a start and will continue to raise funds to achieve our target by Allah’s permission.

Our plans for 2018 include on-going fundraisers for the purchase of food items and the delivery van. In addition, the Scholarship Program will commence invite applicants for entry into the Degree Program offered by the Islamic Online University.

Again, none of the above would have been possible without the steady support of our donors and the efforts of our directors and volunteers. We are truly grateful for, and humbled by, the trust placed in us, as together we look forward to another year of serving Jamaica  In Sha Allah (God willing).

Food distribution Report 2016
Food distribution Report 2017

2016 Annual Report

The Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity (JFIC) continues to reach out to the vulnerable within the community through the provision of our food baskets to the needy. In 2016, JFIC increased their food distribution by 15%. A total of 732 food baskets were distributed to eleven (11) masjid.

The Food Distribution Report for 2016 can be seen in the table to the right.

Food distribution Report 2016
Food distribution Report 2016

Annual Reports

Food distribution Report 2015

2015 Annual Report

The Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity (JFIC) continues to reach out to the vulnerable within the community through the provision of our food baskets to the needy. In 2015, JFIC increased their food distribution by 300%. A total of 644 food baskets were distributed to nine (9) masajid.

The Food Distribution Report for 2015 can be seen in the table to the left.

As is, we have started to take steps to increase our capacity at the JFIC to handle the expected increased throughput, through the preparation of an additional packaging area. This expansion will require additional shelving units, food bins and tables to meet the increased requirement. In-shaa’Allah, we hope to have achieved full coverage of Priority Group A beneficiaries across the Island by the end of the year.

Food distribution Report 2015

2014 Annual Report

The Jamaican Foundation for Islamic Charity started issuing Food Baskets on 19th April 2014. The first recipient was an elderly, blind Muslim brother.

At the end of the fiscal year, a total of 194 baskets were distributed to six (6) masajid.

The Food Distribution Report for 2014 can be seen in the table on the right.

Food distribution Report 2014
Food distribution Report 2014

So, what are the next steps?

  • We have to expand our coverage areas across the island to meet an ever-growing need for our services.
  • We have to source and deploy resources for our mentorship program in order to grow beneficiaries from being recipients to donors.
  • Phased implementation of the other objectives in our Articles of Association.

So far our project has been multi-dimensional, i.e. the staging area of our operations is at the premises of a visually impaired member of our community who has been living under adverse conditions. The house had been damaged in two hurricanes and was in need of immediate remedial work. So far, we have done extensive repairs to his premises to improve his standard of living as well as to house the JFIC. Al-hamdulillah, we have been successful on both counts as work continues towards removing this difficulty from his life, we are reminded of the hadith:

“He who relieves a hardship of this Dunya (this earthly life) for a believer, Allah will relieve a hardship of the Day of Resurrection for him; he who makes it easy for an indebted person, Allah will make it easy for him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; he who covers a Muslim (his mistakes and shortcomings), Allah will cover him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; Allah will be in the slave ‘s need, as long as the slave is in his (believing) brother’s need…” [Saheeh Muslim]

In that project, we have been able to effect a marked improvement in his welfare.

May Allah accept the efforts of all who have volunteered their time and resources thus far on this noble effort.

Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity

P.O. Box 100, Half Way Tree Post Office

Kingston 8, Jamaica

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Fax : 1-876-908-0328

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