Narrated Abu Huraira: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

A man said: “O Messenger of Allah, which kind of charity is best? He said: “Giving charity when you are in good health, and feeling stingy, hoping for a long life and fearing poverty.

[Sunan an-Nasa’i (2542)]

We Want To Hear From You

13 + 15 =

Mailing Address:
Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity
P.O. Box 100
Half Way Tree Post Office
Kingston 8

Brothers: 1-876-310-8100
Sisters: 1-876-402-4291


Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience, the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity (JFIC) has answered your frequently asked questions below.

Who is the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity?

The Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity (JFIC) is a non-profit Charitable Organisation legally registered with the Government of Jamaica. It was founded in 2013 with the mandate of facilitating charitable, moral, and spiritual support to communities in Jamaica.

JFIC p artners with stakeholders including local Masaajids (Muslim places of worship), private sector organizations and international organizations to assist the needy with food and other essential items and pave a road towards self-empowerment.

The work of JFIC is primarily funded by donations.

Our goal is to work towards a solution to alleviating poverty within the Jamaican society via improvements in an individual’s standard of living.

How are we funded?

All our funds come from private individuals, businesses and fundraising ventures. We do not receive any funding from government institutions. You can also view copies of our annual reports on the Finances page (

How do I know that the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity is reputable?

It’s important to trust any charity you support thus we make as much information about our organization available to our public as we can.

We’re registered as a non-profit organization with the Government of Jamaica. More information about our charity status can be found at the Companies of Jamaica.

In addition, our financial statements are readily available for anyone to inspect. You can also view copies of our annual reports from our the Finances Section


How many employees are there at JFIC?

There are NO employees at the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity. All the works performed are on a volunteer basis.

How do I make a donation?

There are several ways to contribute to Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity :

 (a)  Mail cheques to: 

Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity

P.O. Box 100

Half Way Tree Post Office

Kingston 8,


(b) NCB Bank Deposit: 

Donations can be made via NCB Branch island wide to account #371082670

Please make cheques payable to Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity

(c)   Via Pay-pal

Please click on the Paypal Donate button at the top of the page. 

(d) Food Items

If you have any food items to donate, please contact us to make mutual arrangements for pick-up or delivery.

The standard food basket contents for donation may contain some or all of the items listed:
rice, flour, cornmeal, sugar, matches, tea-bag, milk powder, peas/beans, cooking oil, bath soap, salt, tuna, sardines, toilet paper, tin mackerel, blue soap (detergent for washing), toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Non-standard items such as Dates may also be donated for distribution as the need arise (please call to confirm).

Do you have volunteer opportunities?

Should you wish to become a volunteer of JFIC to assist with packaging, distribution, fundraising etc. please contact us or sign up here:

How do I apply for a Food Basket?

Should you wish to become a recipient of JFIC, visit the pages:

What We Do > JFIC Overview

What We Do > Application Process

What We Do > Review Process

If you still have questions, please contact us.

Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity

P.O. Box 100, Half Way Tree Post Office

Kingston 8, Jamaica

Telephone :

1-876-310-8100/ 1-876-402-4291

Fax : 1-876-908-0328

E-mail Address :

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