Brother Raymond Sullivan is 72 years old and lives at 20C Delacree Road, Maxfield Avenue, Kingston 20. He is an elderly, blind brother who lives alone. He has no form of income and no relatives. He attends Jumma salaat religiously on a weekly basis.
As part of his
Thus, the Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity was borne. It was officially registered with the Government of Jamaica on 17th October 2013. It became an Approved Charitable Organization 3rd March 2014.
Jamaica Foundation for Islamic Charity
P.O. Box 100, Half Way Tree Post Office
Kingston 8, Jamaica
Telephone :
1-876-310-8100/ 1-876-402-4291
Fax : 1-876-908-0328
E-mail Address : jamaicaislamiccharity@gmail.com